Friday, September 14, 2012

Reflection #3

In elementary school, the home environment most often influences students. They see how their parents dress and present themselves, and how the home is decorated. Parents influence what children wear, and what they look like in public. Although elementary students begin to choose their own clothes, hairstyles, and accessories that reflect the way they want to be perceived, these choices are largely build on the visual models provided by their family. Student may also see images in magazines and on television that influence their personal identity. They see people they admire in a TV show or movie, and sometimes choose to dress like them. Haven’t you ever seen students with a batman backpack or a hello kitty t-shirt? These are products of what students see in the media. Sometimes, school and friendships in school also help shape children’s identities. The clubs they belong to, the sports they play, and the students they become friend with may also have a significant role in a student’s self-image. How can we encourage the students to break away from replicating the role models that surround them, and allow them to choose their own identity more freely?

Artist Trading Card
Comfortable and Relaxed

Artist Trading Cards”, as described by Roland are a way for students to express their identity through art. They can use many different mediums, allowing for all students to work with what inspires them and makes them feel comfortable. By trading these cards, students would be able to share with their classmates the way that they would like to be represented. This also gives students an opportunity to see how other children see themselves, and perhaps build a stronger image of self-identity. This method allows for more expression, and enables students to think beyond the visual models that they encounter in their home life and in the media.

Artist Trading Card
Free and Beautiful
How I Want Others to Perceive Me

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